Tuesday, June 28, 2011

We survived...we are just that tough!!!

Holy Cow...Tough Mudder is one insane event, but we did it!!! The elevation climb was intense...we were slow but we finished every step and every obstacle! Steve cheered me on as I slowly climbed the 4,000 feet of elevation. I now know why we pay such steep prices for a ski lift ticket...it is worth every penny. The water obstacles were painful due to the water being 34 degrees. Almost all of us got cramps in our legs due to the strain of the climb and the drastic change in temperature as we entered the water for five different obstacles. At the end we were covered in mud, bruises, scratches, and sunburns; but we had fun and have many fun stories to tell. The part for me that hurt the worst was getting zapped on my neck by one of the live wires. You can actually see the wire on the left side of my neck right before it zapped me, (sorry the picture is sideways, for some reason I can't change the photo's direction. Just use this as an opportunity to stretch your neck). Steve's most painful part was when his body and body parts tensed up when he entered the water. Talk about instant brain freeze.

It was fun to work as a team and conquer every obstacle; we have all decided that we want to do it again next year. (Some people think that we may have lost brain cells because we want to do it again; but there is something exhilarating about pushing your body to it's max.)

Friday, June 24, 2011

I got a new JOB!!!

I taught 5th Grade in 2009-2010 and then moved to Lakewood in the summer of 2010. I have been looking for a full time teaching position or a job in Special Education since we moved. I have been teaching swim lessons, babysitting, and doing tons of volunteer work to fill up my time while I looked for a job. Finding a job was a little difficult because I have decided to switch careers. Instead of teaching in a general education classroom I have wanted to switch to Special Education. Switching has not been the easiest thing. Everywhere that I have applied said that I was over qualified and under experienced. I have part of my MA degree but I do not have much experience in the Special Education field so it has been hard in this economy to find an employer who will pay more for someone who has less experience, but finally my time has come. I was hired this week as a Mental Health Worker at the Joshua School. (The following is taken directly from their website) "The Joshua School is a private, non-profit educational and therapeutic day treatment center for individuals and families challenged and enriched by autism spectrum disorders and developmental disabilities. We are committed to building a community that offers the highest level of care and individual instruction for students, the most comprehensive array of services, and the strongest level of outreach and education regarding autism spectrum disorders (ASD)." I will be responsible for kids ages 12 to 17 for their education and behavior. This job will stretch me since it is a little different from what I have done in the past, but I am looking forward to it! Here is the link for the school if you are interested in learning more about it. http://www.joshuaschool.org/about_history.shtml

The school is year round so I will be starting the first week of July (wow, that is just days away)! It is amazing how quickly your life can change in an instant! I am super excited for this opportunity and I think it will only give me great experiences that will make me a better person and a better mother. Motherhood is still my ultimate goal so I am trying to do anything that will help me be prepared for that miraculous day when it comes.

Thank you for letting me share this exciting news with you! Wish me luck!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Are we tough enough?????

Tough Mudder is less than 100 hours away and counting.... EEEEK! We are now crossing our fingers that we are tough enough as we run our last miles and lift our last sets of weights. If only we had started our training earlier. A group of us who are running Tough Mudder went to the playground a few days ago to try out the monkey bars. One of the obstacles in the event is climbing an incline set of monkey bars over a freezing river. It was interesting as the girls fared better than the boys (I think it helps that we weigh less than they do). Steve and I have learned two important lessons while preparing for this event. 1: Do not procrastinate your training and 2: Listen to your body and start out slowly. We are both getting more and more nervous as Saturday gets closer and closer, but we are also excited and know that we will have fun as we push our bodies to their limit. We have decided to all stick together as a team and do Tough Mudder together. We will let the slowest person set the pace. I have already volunteered to be the person who will set the pace. Our goal is to finish. Two weeks ago only 63% of the participants finished the event so although our goal may sound simple, it will be a challenge. Okay friends are you ready? Here we go...WHO-RAH!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Adjusting to 'normal' life again!

We were extremely spoiled on the cruise. The adjustment back to reality has been a littler harder than I thought, but the trip was definitely worth it. We went from having our beds made for us and not having to clean or cook anything... to having to unpack our bags, pay bills, make up for lost time in our jobs and callings for church, and actually shop for and cook our own food (I know, I know, I am sure I am not scoring any sympathy points with anyone). Even though it was fun being spoiled for a week, I don't think I could ever live on a cruise or any type of vacation for an extended amount of time. There is something about the satisfaction of working hard which cannot be replaced by luxury.

After returning from the cruise I met what I thought was a 'friend', but in reality turned out to be a creepy peeping tom. We have this squirrel who comes on our back porch every once in awhile. One day we had dry bread so I thought I would just set it outside and let the birds and this squirrel eat it. BAD IDEA. The squirrel absolutely loved it, and now returns everyday for more. Instead of just hanging out on the back patio he will come up to the window and search for me. When he finds me he stares right into my eyes and just watches me!!!! It totally creeps me out. I am now too scared to use the back porch. When I walk around in the house his head follows me and tracks me wherever I go. All I can say now is that I am glad I only gave him dry bread. Can you imagine what he would be doing if I had given him a cookie? My friend asked me if I have named him yet, and I replied that I haven't because I haven't thought of an appropriate enough name for him. Maybe 'Killer' would be best. Anyone have any name suggestions for this creepy squirrel?

My sister-in-law, Benja's mother got married this month. It was fun to go to the reception and celebrate with them. They asked me to take the pictures for it and I had fun snapping away. I have always enjoyed photography but I have never claimed to be a pro. I will leave that title to another sister-in-law, Heather. She takes amazing photos and has such a creative mind. Here is a picture of all the grandkids of the Bride. They were all cute dressed in black and white.