Sunday, September 12, 2010

Another Week as the 'Parents'

I am still 'babysitting' the family that lives in Fort Collins. I really enjoy being here and helping the kids. They are so much fun and they make me laugh. Last night we went out for ice-cream and played in the hot tub. It was such a great way to relax from such a busy and eventful week. I have to admit though, that being here has done nothing but make my heart ache more for children of my own. What a wonderful day that will be! I was sitting in church today and looking down the row of sisters in Relief Society. In just my row alone their were 4 babies. I am glad and happy to see so many others able to have children, but as hard as this is to admit, it makes my hurt that much stronger. I know that my Heavenly Father loves me and only allows us to go through trials that will strengthen us and make us more like Him. I am honored to be His daughter; I just have to continue to have faith that through the trials He gives me I cannot only endure but also develop into the person He wants me to be.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Being "Parents" for 10 Days!

I have this wonderful family that lives in Fort Collins that asks me to watch their four beautiful children when they go out of town. This trip the parents went to Europe to travel all over London, Scotland, Ireland, and Paris. They left on Sunday and will be gone for 10 days. So I get to play 'mom' for awhile. The kids are an absolute delight. The youngest is six and the oldest is fifteen. They are very active with sports, school, church, and seminary. I have been babysitting them since I was a teenager and I have grown to love these kids. I love how when I pull up in the driveway all of them (even the 15 year old) come and greet me with smiles and hugs. Steve will be here for a couple of days and he enjoys being around them. He craves so much to be a father. He loves playing soccer, football, and basketball with them. He likes to jump on the tramp, do the zip line, and gently tease the girls. He will make an awesome dad! We have talked about how this family seems like the Pollyanna family. They are always happy! We have decided the reason behind their happiness is the gospel. They have family scripture study and prayer every night. They have family home evening every Monday. They attend ALL their church activities. Christ is truly the center of their lives. And if they are not going to school, or at a sport practice, or a church activity, they are playing together. I have never seen a family be so excited and satisfied with just being together.

Steve and I are excited to some day have a family where we can love and share the gospel with our children. This is what life is all about!