Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pizza, Broncos, and Masters!

This was a fun week. Steve is very excited that Bronco season is right around the corner. In fact he was so excited talking and thinking about the Broncos that he forgot that he was grilling pizza on the grill. (If you have never had pizza on the grill you have to try it. Just spread olive oil on the crust and grill!). Anyway, Steve was helping me out with cooking dinner by grilling the pizza and trying to talk to me about the newest Bronco updates. But, as with many men who try to do two things at once...it usually ends in a disaster. As he was talking about Broncos to me he forgot about the pizza and then the phone rang. It was the adoption agency trying to set up a date to come and do our home study!!! Obviously the last thing on our mind was PIZZA!! I was so excited and absorbed in the phone conversation, and Steve was trying to listen in, that the pizza was literally left on the back burner. The phone call ended and that is when we started to smell a strange smell. Steve immediately ran to get the pizza. The top looked absolutely perfect, but the bottom was nothing but ash. After a few laughs and listening to our grumbling stomachs we decided not to waste the pizza and eat it. The bottom was so bad that all we could do was scrape the top off and eat it.

I have to admit it was the most fun I have had eating pizza. Just look at it this way, we only ate half as many calories.

Steve and I had a fun date this week. We were invited by some friends to go to a preseason, Saturday night, Broncos game against the Lions. It was fun to actually watch a game live. It was my first time ever going to watch a game. Even though it was a preseason game and we lost it was still fun. Steve must have been the loudest fan in the stadium, and the one with the cleanest mouth. If you were listening to just him you would have thought that it was the Superbowl and not a preseason game!

It was fun and it was nice to spend time with Steve and watch him enjoy something that he loves so much!

I started my masters program yesterday in Special Education and Early Childhood Development! It is all on-line and I am enjoying learning new things that I am interested in. I am a bit nervous with taking everything on-line. I am afraid that I might miss something. Right now I am just overwhelmed with everything that is required. The first day of class is always like that. When they give me the syllabus and tell me EVERYTHING that is required of me for the ENTIRE semester, I think of everything I have to do and it feels I have to do it all now. I am just thankful for the opportunity to go to school and better my education. I have been blessed in so many ways. Education is just one of the blessings that I count everyday.


  1. The home study visit!!!! I am so excited! I yearn to be a grandmom to your child!

  2. Jared and Caleb were also at the Sat. night game--they were given tickets. And I am back in school too--but not under the gun as you are--hope all goes well! can't wait to hear more about the adoption process. Hugs.
